What we do
We are digital heritage interpretation consultants, specialising in developing native (iOS and Android) location-aware/GPS triggered multimedia apps on our Places and Trails app platform. Since 2006 we have been working primarily with local authorities, community groups, charities and other guardians of heritage and/or the outdoors.
Digital visitor experiences
Our digital visitor experiences encourage exploration of outdoor heritage and cultural sites, towns, villages and large landscape-focussed projects. They reveal hidden stories, increase dwell time and help people make a connection.
Creating an app involves a number of skills and disciplines, some we do in house and some via our pool of trusted associates. Many of our projects require other outputs too. Below is a snapshot of what we do, how we do it and who we are.
Places & Trails app platform
The apps on our Places & Trails app platform use GPS to trigger deliver content and fun experiences that are relevant to the place users are visiting. The apps work completely offline. To date, we’ve released well over 100 iOS and Android apps, accounting for hundreds of thousands of digital visitor experiences.
Rather than try and cram all the platform’s features on this summary page why not head over to our Places & Trails page to learn how an app on our Places & Trails platform can bring a site to life for your visitors.
Content Creation
Every app needs content. We are very experienced in writing copy and scripts that will engage and inspire visitors – we provide training too. Nearly all of our voice overs have their own recording facilities which means turnaround is quick and easy. Post production is done by our team. We have a fantastic pool of photographers, filmmakers, illustrators and our 3D reconstruction duo are as good as they come – NASA agree!
Every app also needs design assets: an app icon, map pins, feature graphics. Our graphic design team can handle those requirements and any other requests. Just let us know what you need.
Audio trails and tours
Did you know that AT Creative is short for ‘Audio Trails Creative’? Back in 2006 we started creating downloadable audio guides – a brand new form of digital delivery for visitors to outdoor sites. It was a natural decision to call the business ‘Audio Trails.’ However, with advancements in technology and our own skills over time the name no longer represented the wide range of creative heritage interpretation projects we have been responsible for delivering.
We have a very effective audio tour module embedded into our Places and Trails platform but if you are looking for a cheaper option then our original website – audiotrails.co.uk – still lives on as the home of our audio tour app software for walkers, cyclists and vehicular tour providers.
Info Point
In September 2020, during the depths of the Covid-19 pandemic, we become partners in a new company called Wildfi and took the opportunity to buy Info Point:
“Info Point delivers site-specific multimedia content to any mobile device. It rewards visitors for visiting because the stories you share on Info Point are only available to those who come to your site.”
It shares many similarities with our app platform but it has clear differences that make it a perfect bed mate for the Places & Trails platform. Info Point is an exciting product for indoor and outdoor use. It can be powered by mains, battery or solar power and provides you with full control to deliver digital content in a targeted area.
About us
AT Creative is run by Dan Boys who has previously worked as a National Trust Ranger, a National Park Ranger and an Ecological Consultancy Manager. Development is led by Matthew Kennard and Joe Middleton.
We love digital-first projects that are inspired by the local community and reveal hidden stories and encourage active exploration of the outdoors. Our location-aware apps have delivered hundreds of thousands of rich digital visitor experiences across the UK and Ireland.
Contact us to discuss your project so we can learn a bit more about each other.
Our mission
To encourage people to get outside and active, exploring the great outdoors and discovering fascinating natural, historical and cultural heritage using their own devices.